August 2020 Staff Spotlight
Elaine Vu
Staff Accountant
Elaine began her career at Hawthorne & Co. CPAs in January 2019 as an intern, and since then has become a full-time Staff Accountant.
Before joining our team, Elaine worked a retail job in Georgia for two years until she decided it was time to pursue her real career. With that decided, she moved back to Washington and, after a friend of hers at our firm encouraged her to apply, she started her internship at Hawthorne & Co. CPAs.
After working hard during her internship, Elaine joined our firm permanently as a Staff Accountant. She says her favorite part of working at our firm is the opportunity she has to learn and grow.
“There are always colleagues and superiors [at Hawthorne & Co. CPAs] who are willing to share their knowledge and guide me through the early steps in my career as an accountant,” she says.
Elaine says that her advice for young professionals is that it is never too late for you to pursue your career.
Outside of work, Elaine enjoys spending her free time traveling to new places and being active outdoors. She especially likes to go jogging and hiking.

Learn more about Elaine and the rest of our staff by visiting our website at