November 2020 Staff Spotlight
Lian Jia
Staff Accountant
Lian recently joined us as a Staff Accountant in September 2020, looking for a chance to learn more about the accounting industry. She has come to find that one of her favorite parts of working at Hawthorne & Co. CPAs is that she gets to work on different tasks every day, so she never feels bored.
Lian says another great part of joining our team is that her work is reviewed by very experienced accountants that she feels she is able to learn a lot from. She believes it is important to learn something new every day. Lian would advise young professionals to set a goal and take actions to achieve it. She says, “Learn a little bit every day and never give up.”

Lian doesn’t limit her learning to her professional development. One of Lian’s favorite pastimes is traveling and she says she enjoys the ability to learn about different places and different people’s lives while she’s traveling, which helps her to recharge herself and appreciate more what she has. Lian also enjoys hiking and likes that she feels stronger after a difficult hike.
Another hobby of Lian’s is singing, and she says she used to sing a lot when she was in college. Something many people don’t know about Lian is that when she was living in Russia, she was invited to a three-day musical festival to sing a traditional Russian song, “красно солнышко” (meaning “Red Little Sun”) in front of a big audience. She notes that this was the highlight of her singing life.
Learn more about Lian and the rest of our staff by visiting our staff page.